Pastor Jermaine Gwayne Edmondson was born December 1, 1985, in Joe-Hut Jamaica, to Michelle Kelly and Samuel Edmondson. At the age of seven, he migrated to the United States of American to unite with his mother once again and her husband, Rosby Kelly, whom he calls Dad. As an only child, Jermaine loved being around his parents and enjoyed spending time with friends and family. Jermaine continued to grow and mature into a loving, dependable, obedient, comical, and respectful young man. He was known to be very observant of his parents' commitment and faithfulness to the ministry where they worshiped as a family. He witnessed his mother's unfeigned faith in God, exemplified in her everyday walk; he also noticed his stepfather's genuine love, care and comfort given to the family. As a result, Jermaine developed a deep respect and love for the things of God. It is also here where he developed a love for music, first learning percussion.Pastor Jermaine Gwayne Edmondson was born December 1, 1985, in Joe-Hut Jamaica, to Michelle Kelly and Samuel Edmondson. At the age of seven, he migrated to the United States of American to unite with his mother once again and her husband, Rosby Kelly, whom he calls Dad. As an only child, Jermaine loved being around his parents and enjoyed spending time with friends and family. Jermaine continued to grow and mature into a loving, dependable, obedient, comical, and respectful young man. He was known to be very observant of his parents' commitment and faithfulness to the ministry where they worshiped as a family. He witnessed his mother's unfeigned faith in God, exemplified in her everyday walk; he also noticed his stepfather's genuine love, care and comfort given to the family. As a result, Jermaine developed a deep respect and love for the things of God. It is also here where he developed a love for music, first learning percussion.
In 1999, his mother accepted the call to the pastoral. Pastor Jermaine supported his mother, every step of the way. He eventually learned the piano, and thus became the church’s’ musician. Pastor Jermaine is still serving as the minister of music. At the age of 12, he ministered his first sermon. It was said, “He was so nervous that he barely looked at the congregation the entire time.”
At the age of 18, he had an undeniable experience with God that would change the trajectory of his life forever. This is where he went from just serving because it was what he knew to do: to answering the call because he recognized it was what he was born to do. He said “yes” to God. His mother also recognizing the call of God on his life, ordained him as minister a few years later.
Shortly thereafter, he received elevation to the fivefold office of Pastor in 2007. In 2011, he completed one year of seminary while attending Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College. However, he received most of his experience, training, and serving in Truth Outreach Global ministries under the leadership of Elder Rosby Kelly and Apostle Michelle Kelly.
God has given him the gift of laughter, of which, the Holy spirit frequently utilizes to lift the hearts of those who are heavy ladened and burdened. His lighthearted and carefree personality can be easily recognized in the way he ministers. Pastor Jermaine is best known for his comical approach to delivering the word he ministers, yet at the same time piercing the soul with truth. He often says this “It’s ok to laugh.” He carries the mantle of revelation. This brings the hearers into the deep mysteries of scripture, at the same time dissecting it in a manner that is both relatable and understandable for all.
Pastor Jermaine is the loving husband of one wife, Prophetess Janell Edmondson. They met while in college and were married in 2010. They currently have four beautiful children, Maloni, Malysia, Isaac, and Gabriella. With one more promised seed that will arrive, when God sees fit. In November 2021, Pastor Jermaine was installed as the Senior Pastor of Truth Outreach Global Ministries, located in Tampa, Florida, where he is serving faithfully.